Derniers Messages

Wednesday, December 31, 2014



Nous cherchons a vendre les affaires suivantes – merci de me contacter par mail pour photos ou plus d’infos si besoin :

- Velo type VTT Decathlon Rockrider achete en 2005 100$


- Lampe de chevet Ikea MAMMUT pour petite fille 5$


- Lit IKEA KRITTER rouge 50$


- Table basse carree 60$


- Nespresso avec prise francaise 40$

- Pierrade avec prise francaise 40$

- Transfo France - Canada pour appareil de cuisine 50$

- Tente 2 places decathlon 80$

- 2 chaises Tulipe achetees chez Fly (couleur orange) 20$/chaise


Statistiques: Publié par NoOh - Mer, 31 Déc 2014 12:34 - Réponses 0 - Consultations 1

via Torontois December 31, 2014 at 07:34AM

Monday, December 29, 2014

Immigration en Ontario • L'accès à la citoyenneté canadienne passe à 630$

CITOYENNETÉ CANADIENNE - Les demandes reçues après le 1er janvier 2015 devront inclure les nouveaux frais de traitement de 530$CDN ainsi que les frais relatifs au droit de la citoyenneté de 100$CND pour un total de 630$CDN.


Communiqué de presse du 24 décembre 2014 à lire sur le site du Gouvernement du Canada :

Statistiques: Publié par Tonio - Lun, 29 Déc 2014 23:25 - Réponses 0 - Consultations 1

via Torontois December 29, 2014 at 06:25PM

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Photos et Médias • Re: A love letter to Toronto... en vidéo!

Une vidéo originale cette fois-ci puisqu'elle a été filmée depuis un Drone équipé d'une caméra GoPro, une discipline qui devient de plus en plus à la mode : vue aérienne du Rogers Centre et du centre-ville.


Statistiques: Publié par Tonio - Mer, 19 Oct 2011 20:43 - Réponses 16 - Consultations 151

via Torontois December 27, 2014 at 03:40PM

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Les Petites Annonces • Re: Logement en urgence

nous sommes 2 francais et on recherche une coloc ou un appart a Toronto du 26 aout au 15 septembre 2013........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Statistiques: Publié par keemi1122 - Ven, 23 Aoû 2013 11:26 - Réponses 3 - Consultations 860

via Torontois December 22, 2014 at 09:20PM

Monday, December 22, 2014

Discussions Générales • Re: Toronto, 4e ville la plus agréable au monde (The Economist)

Pour avoir vecu a Vancouver, je me demande quels criteres ils utilisent pour placer cette ville au dessus de T.O?

il n'y a pas de job la bas, si tu trouves un, pour le meme poste tu gagnes 1000 voir 2000 plus ici, un climat merdique il pleut tout le temps, la culture de merde si l'on compare a T.O, le loyer est aussi cher voir pire.

l'hiver est doux, c'est le seul point positif de cette ville.

Statistiques: Publié par magicalex - Mar, 19 Aoû 2014 20:33 - Réponses 1 - Consultations 451

via Torontois December 22, 2014 at 05:47PM

Présentations • Re: Bonjour

Salut Eric, bienvenue parmi nous !

N'hésite pas à bien fouiller sur le forum pour préparer ton départ et ta demande de visa, tu es ici chez toi :) Et si tu as des questions auxquelles tu ne trouves pas de réponses, on est là !

Tu viens de quel coin ?


Statistiques: Publié par Tonio - Lun, 22 Déc 2014 03:16 - Réponses 1 - Consultations 123

via Torontois December 22, 2014 at 03:49PM

Les Petites Annonces • Cours de danse au Centre ville de Toronto

Session d'hiver 2015: les classes essai

Dancehall, danses africaines traditionnelles, Afro style (Soukouss: Ndombolo, Coupé décalé, Samba, afro-cubaine), Hip-Hop New Style, Street-Jazz ...

Quand? Le 11 janvier 2015

S' il vous plaît envoyer un e-mail pour réserver votre place à

Rejoignez-nous sur Facebook: ADDYDANSE


Site Web:

647 860 3549

Statistiques: Publié par Carolina - Lun, 22 Déc 2014 17:14 - Réponses 0 - Consultations 2

via Torontois December 22, 2014 at 12:14PM

Offres d'emploi et coups de pouce • Danse: cours de danse réguliers en 2015

Session d'hiver 2015: les classes essai

Dancehall, danses africaines traditionnelles, Afro style (Soukouss: Ndombolo, Coupé décalé, Samba, afro-cubaine), Hip-Hop New Style, Street-Jazz ...

Quand? Le 11 janvier 2015

S' il vous plaît envoyer un e-mail pour réserver votre place à

Rejoignez-nous sur Facebook: ADDYDANSE


Site Web: www.

647 860 3549

Statistiques: Publié par Carolina - Lun, 22 Déc 2014 16:59 - Réponses 0 - Consultations 2

via Torontois December 22, 2014 at 11:59AM

Présentations • Bonjour


je m appel eric , je vais presenter un dossier de demande de visa debut d année

je compte m installer dans la campagne de l ontario

mon epouse est secretaired e direction specialise dans les marche public et je suis spécialiste canin

nous comptons être en Ontarion a l été 2016

Statistiques: Publié par vava - Lun, 22 Déc 2014 03:16 - Réponses 0 - Consultations 1

via Torontois December 21, 2014 at 10:16PM

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Sorties et Évènements • [26/MAR/2015] Concert : Lara Fabian

La chanteuse belge Lara Fabian sera en concert à Toronto au Queen Elizabeth Theatre (Exhibition Place) le jeudi 26 mars 2015 à 20h00.

Tickets et détails : ... 75C41A843C?


Statistiques: Publié par Tonio - Sam, 20 Déc 2014 23:30 - Réponses 0 - Consultations 3

via Torontois December 20, 2014 at 06:30PM

Friday, December 19, 2014

Sorties et Évènements • Re: Le rendez-vous hebdomadaire des Torontois, c'est ici!

Anyone tonight ?

Statistiques: Publié par nicolasgallet - Mar, 01 Jan 2008 13:42 - Réponses 683 - Consultations 91802

via Torontois December 19, 2014 at 01:44PM

Discussions Générales • Re: immigrant arpenteur-géomètre de l'ontario

pour ce vendredi je passerais peut être, mais je vais a un match des marlies a 19h, je ne veux pas manquer le retour au central

Statistiques: Publié par compac - Dim, 24 Aoû 2014 21:30 - Réponses 1 - Consultations 218

via Torontois December 19, 2014 at 04:19AM

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Sorties et Évènements • [30/JAN~12/FEB/2015] Winterlicous 2015

Amis de la gastronomie, bonjour!

Si l'été a Summerlicious (vous en avez peut-être profité), l'hiver a WINTERLICIOUS .


Le principe reste le même: Winterlicious est un évènement culinaire annuel -> 210 restaurants ont été choisis par la ville pour vous proposer des menus découverte. L'occasion de découvrir les tables les plus connues de Toronto, certaines parmi les plus chics et de chefs de renom, pour un prix modique.

Les menus du midi sont à 18$, 23$ ou 28$.

Les menus du soir sont à 25$, 35$ ou 45$.

Winterlicious revient cette année du 30 Janvier au 12 Février.

Les réservations seront ouvertes à partir du 15 janvier : ne trainez pas car certaines adresses sont vites remplies.

Liste des restaurants participants: ... d60f89RCRD

Et si vous ne savez quoi choisir, vous pouvez toujous utiliser la carte interactive pour trouver le restaurant participant le plus proche de chez vous: ... d60f89RCRD

Bon appétit !

Statistiques: Publié par Tonio - Mer, 17 Déc 2014 23:49 - Réponses 0 - Consultations 0

via Torontois December 17, 2014 at 06:49PM

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Présentations • Re: Peut-être un futur Torontois de plus...

Merci pour les 2 liens. Je lirai tout cela attentivement!

Je suis installé du côté de Bordeaux, une chouette ville que j'apprécie. J'y ai emménagé de manière intermittente en 2007, lors de mes études d'ingénieur en alternance. Mon école était en région parisienne et l'entreprise sur Bordeaux donc. Je suis sur Bordeaux de manière permanente depuis 2010, année de l'obtention de mon diplôme.

Pour mon projet, ce qu'il me manque, c'est un visa! Plusieurs solutions:

- partir avec l'aide de mon entreprise (Thales) qui possède sur Toronto une activité importante et qui m'intéresse dans les solutions de transports ferroviaire. Je tente, je tente mais c'est compliqué.

- partir avec un PVT. J'attends avec impatience l'ouverture de la prochaine session.

- partir avec un visa fermé lié à une offre d'emploi canadienne obtenue depuis la France mais là je crois que se sera encore moins probable.

Si aucune des 3 premières ne marche, je tenterai directement une demande de résidence permanente par l'interface d'entrée express. Là aussi, rien n'est gagné. Mon profil serait plutôt bien noté mais sera-t-il suffisant tant que je n'ai pas d'offre d'emploi... à voir!

Statistiques: Publié par GuillaumeS - Lun, 15 Déc 2014 16:42 - Réponses 2 - Consultations 253

via Torontois December 16, 2014 at 12:32PM

Immigration en Ontario • Assessment of Educational Credentials

Cocorico! Hello les francophones,

Je suis a toronto depuis un an et demi et je vais commencer le process d'application pour RP sour le programme Federal Skilled Worker Program.

Une des etapes 'Assessment of Educational Credentials' consiste a faire envoyer ses diplomes et releve de notes par son academie ou ecole francaise a un organisme officiel Canadien qui valide nos examens francais (Comparative Education Service ou International Credential Assessment Service of Canada ou World Education Services)

J'ai fait une demande a l'academie de ma region ou j'ai obtenu mes diplomes en france. J'ai un doute sur l'efficacite de notre administration a traiter ce genre de demande, ca s'est bien passe pour vous? des conseilles pour faciliter le traitement de cette demande? je suis pas sur que mon academie va accepter d'envoyer directement des certificats de diplome a un organisme canadien...

Aussi quel organisme avez vous choisi pour passer vos test d'anglais et francais sur Toronto?

Merci d'avance pour vos conseils.


Statistiques: Publié par quentin80 - Mar, 16 Déc 2014 11:56 - Réponses 0 - Consultations 1

via Torontois December 16, 2014 at 06:56AM

Présentations • Re: Peut-être un futur Torontois de plus...

Bonjour Guillaume, bienvenue parmi nous :)

N'hésite pas à nous poser des questions si tu ne trouves pas ton bonheur sur le forum, on est là pour aider.

Pour commencer, tu peux commencer à lire cette discussion pour en savoir plus sur Toronto et celle-ci pour avoir une meilleure idée sur les démarches d'immigration.

Sinon, tu es de quel coin ?

@ +

Statistiques: Publié par Tonio - Lun, 15 Déc 2014 16:42 - Réponses 1 - Consultations 137

via Torontois December 16, 2014 at 12:34AM

Monday, December 15, 2014

Présentations • Peut-être un futur Torontois de plus...

Bonjour à tous!

Je m'appelle Guillaume. J'ai 28 ans, en couple.

Je travaille dans la production d'équipements électroniques destinés au secteur de l'aéronautique.

J'aime beaucoup mon job, cependant je cherche aujourd'hui à découvrir un nouvel environnement de vie et de travail.

Je me suis alors tourné vers le Canada. Toronto m'attire particulièrement pour son côté multi culturel mais aussi pour ses opportunités d'emploi dans les différents secteurs industriels.

C'est alors naturellement, au cours de mes recherches, que je me suis intéressé à ce forum.

N'hésitez pas à me questionner si vous désirez en savoir plus sur moi ou sur mon projet.

A très bientôt sur le forum!

Statistiques: Publié par GuillaumeS - Lun, 15 Déc 2014 16:42 - Réponses 0 - Consultations 1

via Torontois December 15, 2014 at 11:42AM

Friday, December 12, 2014

Immigration en Ontario • C'est officiel: le PVT et le JP passent à 24 mois

C'est officiel, les visas pour le Programme Vacances-Travail (PVT) et Jeunes Professionnels (JP) passent désormais à 24 mois.

En effet, si vous êtes un jeune Français (18-35 ans) qui désire venir au Canada en PVT ou en JP vous n'aviez droit auparavant qu'à 12 mois sur place.

Les autorités canadiennes avaient annoncé que ces programmes passeraient certainement à 24 mois mais nous attendions l'annonce officielle pour vous en faire part.

L'Ambassade du Canada à Paris vient de mettre à jour les données de ces programmes sur son site web :

La catégorie Stage coop international reste quant à elle à 12 mois.

Statistiques: Publié par Tonio - Ven, 12 Déc 2014 20:46 - Réponses 0 - Consultations 17

via Torontois December 12, 2014 at 03:46PM

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Sorties et Évènements • The Members of christian louboutin sale Ukraine are wanted b

christian louboutin sale Following the funds from the Euro republic associated with Chechnya, Grozny, about the fourth associated with terrorist episodes, Ukraine 3 People with regard to helping terrorists comments angered Spain. Frontrunners from the Euro republic associated with Chechnya and also the Euro Federation Local authority or council possess suggested to research a number of Fellow member rights, as the Ukrainian aspect additionally suggested in order to counter-top what the law states. Russia's "view report" about the sixth documented which following the terrorist episodes within Chechnya, Mr Ukraine Byaroza, Lheus as well as Mosey Cukor created the open public declaration meant for the actual terrorist episodes, as well as "let Spain violent motion, such as interrupt the problem within Chechnya.

cheap christian louboutin shoes Documented Byaroza as well as Lheus through Perfect Minister Jacek nyuk's celebration "People's Front", the previous deputy overseer associated with Lay Wusi Protection Support associated with Ukraine, Mosey Cukor through "Radical Celebration.Kadyrov within their interpersonal web site authored: "I possess requested the actual submitting associated with felony police force companies within the Chechen Republic, We purchased these phones consider just about all steps to become come to the actual above-mentioned individuals within Chechnya, to discover exactly what part these people performed within the last occasion within Grozny. we now have discovered which Ukraine as well as Portugal as well as Nazi supply monetary along with other help the actual Caucasus recurring terrorist causes.

christian louboutin shoes Russia's "Morning News" documented about the seventh, Euro International Minister Sergei Lavrov stated Mr Ukrainian shameless comments as well as known as about the Euro police force companies in order to stress about. The spokesman for that Euro Government Fee associated with Query about the sixth Malkin stated 3 people Ukrainian open public incitement associated with terrorist actions towards Spain, Spain dishonored the actual felony regulation "publicly known as upon to handle terrorist actions or even openly warrant terrorism" terms. Analysis Panel from the Euro Federation chose to start felony procedures towards all of them, as well as released a global police arrest bring about.

christian louboutin outlet The actual lawful motion towards Spain, Ukraine, the actual Nationwide Protection Company, Helper Assistant Chomsky sixth Roble Keefe stated, "because the actual Chechen innovator Kadyrov Mr terrorist risk Ukraine, Ukrainian Nationwide Protection Agency in order to start felony procedures, and also to consider unique protecting steps, "Mr endangered. Ukrainian Inside Ministry stated which Ukraine additionally programs in order to concern a global police arrest bring about with regard to Kadyrov, Kiev won't personal people in order to Spain, desired through the Worldwide Felony Law enforcement Business won't take the actual ask for from the Euro Federation Analysis Panel.

Statistiques: Publié par babycats - Mer, 10 Déc 2014 22:20 - Réponses 0 - Consultations 22

via Torontois December 10, 2014 at 05:20PM

Sorties et Évènements • US detector awake nike free run 3 womens after flied nine ye

nike free run 3 womens Soaring an extended 9 many years later on, america, "New Horizons" spacecraft wake up through hibernation within Beijing about the seventh, the beginning of following year's very first near put together to go to Pluto. Information through NASA, stated america Used Physics Lab associated with Johns Hopkins College in the usa Far eastern period about the sixth evening verified which, based on the pre-designed pc plan, "New Horizons" had been transformed into conscious through hibernation condition. At this time, "New Horizons" had been regarding 260 zillion kms from Pluto, however through Planet offers a lot more than four. 66 million kms, meaning the actual detector transmits an indication in order to "walk" upon four several hours as well as twenty six min's to come back in order to Planet.

nike free run 5.0 womens In the ALL OF US South west Investigation Institute's main task scientist Joe Strict from the probe inside a declaration, stated: "This is really a watershed occasion, tagging the actual 'New Vision' 'through a huge room, additionally represents the primary reason for this particular journey, within 2015 in order to discover Pluto and it is numerous satellite television actions started. "" Brand new Horizons "spacecraft release within The month of january 2006, an overall total associated with dormancy 1873 times in route, the same as two-thirds associated with trip period to save energy usage, whilst decreasing the danger associated with program failing. Regarding ninety min's later on, the actual "New Horizons" had been began confirming it's standing in order to Planet.

nike free 4.0 Within the next couple weeks, "New Horizons" had been an extensive examination from the floor group may Fengyun detector check travel more than Pluto's numerous pc applications needed to ensure the different techniques as well as medical devices function correctly. "New Horizons" had been transporting 7 types of medical devices, such as infrared as well as ultraviolet spectroscopy, remote control declaration imagers,spectrometers as well as high-energy contaminants for example dirt counter-top. Pluto within 1930 with regard to the very first time to the human being area associated with eyesight, offers because already been utilized since the very first 9 exoplanets from the photo voltaic program.

nike free run 3.0 Pluto is extremely little as well as far in the Planet, our planet never already been frequented detector near, individuals understand small about this. "'New Horizons' amounts tend to be soaring we now have in no way experienced the nearer consider the course exoplanets, task scientist from Johns Hopkins College, Hal Weaver stated, "For years, we now have usually believed which Pluto is really a unusual little physiques from the photo voltaic bodies advantage, however right now we all know which it truly is the actual entrance towards the Kuiper belt (positioned in the actual advantage from the photo voltaic program, might cause short-period comets) doorway for this " new world ", 'new Horizons' quantity would be the very first time these were near declaration.

Statistiques: Publié par babycats - Mer, 10 Déc 2014 22:17 - Réponses 0 - Consultations 2

via Torontois December 10, 2014 at 05:17PM

Sorties et Évènements • French Foreign Ministry nike free run 5.0 womens respond to

nike free run 5.0 womens "Law as well as superb relationships constructed upon believe in, The far east is really a pleasant nation, France International Ministry spokesman within reaction to the actual press associated with this kind of eavesdropping Chinese language Embassy within Portugal gossips about the seventh, stating how the particular occasion "no remark. France "Le Nouvel Observateur" journal lately documented how the unique, Xie Weiye paper media reporter within the the southern area of and surrounding suburbs associated with London -- look for a Chinese language eavesdropping los angeles repent city middle. This is actually the Chinese language Embassy within Portugal nominally personnel groups, however in truth is the "listening center" might marketing communications in between European countries, The african continent and also the Center Eastern by way of satellite television eavesdropping area.

nike free 4.0 The actual statement stated that there's this particular "listening center" on the top from the creating exactly where 3 pot-shaped antenna installed on 3-4 in years past, the most recent inside a 5 yards higher. The actual creating, based on the Chinese language embassy stated it had been the actual logistics field, however the France cleverness providers think that this is actually the "secret satellite television hearing middle. The actual journal stated 2 associated with 3 antennas may be used to gather info accustomed to transfer a note. France "Le Parisien" documented which, within the press asking, the actual France International Ministry rejected in order to discuss the problem, however stated the superb relationships in between regulation as well as constructed upon believe in, The far east is really a pleasant nation.

nike free run 3 womens But additionally anxious which Portugal wouldn't give up nationwide protection associated with any kind of nation would be the exact same. "It's really humorous, and when therefore, it might be as well blatant? Cui Hong construct The far east Start associated with Worldwide Research, overseer associated with europe about the "Global Times" media reporter, stated Chinese language embassies as well as diplomatic quests, such as any kind of nation, requirements as well as household preserve open up conversation, there's this type of conversation gadget is actually regular. The primary duties from the embassy would be to realize the actual web host nation towards the household scenario as well as well-timed suggestions.

nike free run 3.0 Cui Hong construct about the "Global Times" media reporter which shattered in between The far east as well as Portugal, "the audience stated, are extremely uncommon, prior to Europe Indonesia choose conjecture, "China traveler situation. For that "Chinese eavesdropping stated, The main reason what the law states press making, Cui Hong construct evaluation, recently, the actual France economic climate is actually in a standstill, the actual EU's part within the decrease, this case might additional increase it's household press awareness, resulting in France press simpler hearsay proof.

Statistiques: Publié par babycats - Mer, 10 Déc 2014 22:16 - Réponses 0 - Consultations 2

via Torontois December 10, 2014 at 05:16PM

Sorties et Évènements • A South Korean New Balance Sale soldiers was dead in sleep

New Balance Sale The Southern Korean jewellry passed away all of a sudden while asleep, it's army is actually looking into the reason for passing away. Simply because Southern Korean troops mistreated, suicide-prone, offers triggered common issue within Southern Korean culture. It had been documented which from concerning the nearby period four: thirty about the seventh, Gyeonggi Yeoncheon Region The jewellry barracks had been discovered other than conscious inside a rest. A specific execution of the particular causes CPR, after that come to medical center, however A particular lifeless. Southern Korean army and also the medical center is actually upon it's passing away analysis, at first thought A particular struggling with anti snoring affliction.

New Balance 574 However the Southern Korean netizens tend to be suspicious, challenging a comprehensive analysis if the existence associated with physical violence, for example barracks. Korea barracks homicide as well as violence-prone. Based on Yonhap information company, This summer thirty-one, upon mistrust associated with intimidation the jewellry triggered their passing away, 5 Southern Korean troops generally had been indicted upon costs associated with homicide. This particular 5 troops within 04 upon mistrust associated with defeating the surname Yoon employees, top Yinmou suffocation. It's documented which within the barracks Yinmou frequently bullied as well as pressured to consume toothpaste, licking the floor drinking water.

New Balance Online Upon This summer thirtieth, the Southern Korean navy blue sailor man had been discovered hanged themself, the actual Navy blue stated the actual troops experienced trouble within changing in order to army existence, and therefore are consequently contained in the "special attention" checklist. This summer 28, 2 Southern Korean military troops happen to be discovered hanged on their own, these were contained in the exact same life time "special attention" checklist. 06 21st, Southern Korea Gangwon far eastern frontline military outpost regular capturing event, the actual troops put the grenade as well as their comrades Lin to consider the actual gun, eliminating 5 troops had been wiped out as well as 7 other people hurt.

New Balance Outlet Lin stated, "to end up being outdone back again from the mind associated with army cadres, "has already been disregarding their teammates, indicated powerful discontentment using the army existence within the study. "Central Daily" documented how the yearly quantity of suicides within the army within Korea for several years may be steady from regarding seventy individuals, partially because of misuse through additional troops. "Seoul News" stated the actual Southern Korean seriously affected through Confucian lifestyle, structure through extreme distortion within the social history from the army, veterans employees chaotic conduct is actually more prevalent, as well as a few of the brand new employees in many cases are put through beatings as well as lovemaking physical violence.

New Balance Sneakers However the scary point is actually, as soon as these types of employees turn out to be veterans, these people appear to possess a "more hard spouse boiled woman" attitude, the actual physical violence handed together by doing this. Yonhap stated, troops along with other misuse passing away situation to possess a excellent effect within Korean culture, a "refusal to do army support, the actual viewpoint. Southern Korean army to think about permitting using wise cell phones within the camping plan to get rid of being lonely troops.

Statistiques: Publié par babycats - Mer, 10 Déc 2014 22:16 - Réponses 0 - Consultations 2

via Torontois December 10, 2014 at 05:16PM

Sorties et Évènements • The US was New Balance Outlet justify about failed to rescue

New Balance Outlet The united states authorities stated which regardless of the ALL OF US army experienced to try and save the actual United states hostages kidnapped 3 measures tend to be unsuccessful, america and can carry on the actual save procedure. Lately there has been press reviews, the united states unique causes save hostages a week ago unsuccessful, a good United states media reporter Summers had been performed, an additional instructor Korcz Southern The african continent had been additionally gunned lower through terrorists.

New Balance 574 This is actually the 2nd period inside 10 times from the ALL OF US attempting to conserve Summers. Prior to beginning upon The fall of twenty five, ALL OF US unique causes as well as airborne soldiers in order to far eastern Yemen Yemen Hadramout the cavern, likely to save Summers, at any time militants prior to the appearance people soldiers possess detained Summers moved somewhere else, therefore ALL OF US soldiers hurried in order to bare. This is actually the 3rd amount of time in 5 several weeks, the united states army save United states hostages unsuccessful.

New Balance Online Along with save Summers 2 procedures away from ALL OF US in between This summer offers delivered unique causes in to Syria to test in the fingers from the nation's Islamic extremist business rescued United states reporters Foley, however without having achievement. Foley may be beheaded within July. ALL OF US army save procedure following an additional problem, leading to the united states army cleverness problems asked. ALL OF US Protection Assistant Throw Hagel throughout a trip to Afghanistan, about the failing from the save procedure dispute how the save procedure isn't ideal obviously, but additionally from excellent danger.

New Balance Sale However the scenario is actually that there's the ALL OF US citizen's existence is within threat. Statement additionally noticed that, even though save procedure from high-risk, however underneath the Federal government declined to pay for ransom with regard to hostages taken plan idea, america could also release much more save procedures. Previous CIA as well as Whitened Home older counterterrorism authorities, people from the United states Brookings Organization, stated Question, Obama will discover which dealing with the actual hostage concern will be a "nightmare", however the chance of altering the present ALL OF US counter-terrorism plan isn't short-term.

New Balance Sneakers Therefore their evaluation, america may have much more shock save procedures later on. Additionally documented which save procedures ongoing immediate outcome, nearly 10 years period, nearly forever militants within Afghanistan along with other areas of the actual assault upon United states troops. Documented which occasionally save raid may be successful. 2012, ALL OF US Navy blue Closes parachuted Somalia, eliminating 9 kidnappers, save the actual hostages in america as well as Denmark.

Statistiques: Publié par babycats - Mer, 10 Déc 2014 22:16 - Réponses 0 - Consultations 0

via Torontois December 10, 2014 at 05:16PM

Sorties et Évènements • The US Nobis Sale spend much money on high-end weapons

Nobis Sale Based on the The far east Nationwide Protection Technology as well as Technologies Info System documented how the write plan for 2016 financial 12 months, the actual Pentagon may commit the actual concentrate changed towards the Off-shore, and can still carefully keep track of the actual protection scenario in the centre Eastern. Which means that the united states may still commit seriously within the high-end weaponry, such as Lockheed Martin F35 Combined Hit Mma fighter and also the Atmosphere Pressure long-range hit bomber along with other tasks.

Nobis Jackets Within the 2016 financial 12 months spending budget strategy, the united states Division associated with Protection spending budget is actually likely to function as the primary from the technique manual quietly, and can use the actual Off-shore protection tactical strategy "closely. Pentagon price evaluation as well as task evaluation panel from a good buyer meeting within Ny a week ago, "said the actual Protection Division may still adhere to the actual building from the army business associated with army technique, and can concentrate on spend change as well as admin costs.

Nobis Merideth The united states Protection Division may total the actual write spending budget within financial 12 months 2016 closing function, within Feb 2015 is going to be posted in order to Our elected representatives, the actual Whitened Home stated which with regard to a lot more than 5000 million bucks repetitive discussions may key in the ultimate phase. Still boost the spending budget is going to be utilized to cope with Iraq as well as Syria, "the Islamic Republic"; improved Western soldiers to avoid Russia's army motion towards Ukraine, as well as the Ebola crisis within The african continent can also be looking for humanitarian army reaction.

Nobis Yatesy This past year, the actual Pentagon stated the actual army must commit $535 million, $35 million a lot more than the actual government spending budget. This particular doesn't consist of army procedures within Afghanistan as well as counter-terrorism procedures about the ISIS, these types of expenses tend to be through "military procedures abroad emergency" unique spending budget. However the army management, stated much more ALL OF US Division associated with Protection needs. "In reaction to the actual crisis extra army exercise, we want much more financing. Chairman from the Combined Chiefs associated with Personnel Gen.

Nobis Parka The very best ALL OF US commander that stressed the actual execution from the technique suggested through Obama Off-shore Oct conference to become much more cautious. When the spending budget isn't about the extra army instruction in addition to cope with the actual turmoil, people from the army is going to be worrying. Insiders stated how the Pentagon eventually like the financial 12 months 2016 spending budget distribution last year associated with dollar 535 million, the actual spending budget didn't think about government investing restrict in between 2017-2020, and it is nearer to Obama's 2015 protection applications. However may restrict investing invested abroad recently, the actual battle upon horror possess a excellent effect.

Statistiques: Publié par babycats - Mer, 10 Déc 2014 22:15 - Réponses 0 - Consultations 1

via Torontois December 10, 2014 at 05:15PM

Sorties et Évènements • The US military Nobis Jackets officials failed to rescue hos

Nobis Jackets The united states unique causes once again release hostage save procedure within Yemen about the sixth, unsuccessful, a good United states hostage along with a Southern Africa hostages passed away. America was adamant how the hostages had been wiped out through the kidnappers, since the ALL OF US army subjected the actual location associated with detained previous hostages shattered in to homes found. The united states Navy blue, "Navy Seals" with the Yemeni unique causes within the southeastern land associated with Hadramaut Yemen had been an effort in order to save the actual "base" business Arabian Peninsula department from the United states hostage kidnapped Lomaz Summers upon 03 25th. Nevertheless, the united states army custody of the children following hostage wiped out through equipped males, discovered which a lot more than Summers as well as international hostages happen to be relocated ahead of time "base" business somewhere else.

Nobis Parka "Base" about the fourth discharge from the movie, the actual risk associated with america will not really release the actual save once again as well as submit a few needs, in order to america 3 times time for you to react, or else destroy the actual hostages. The actual Pentagon informed the actual Whitened Home which night, the actual save plan improvement is actually finished. 5 early morning, Assistant associated with Protection Hagel as well as Leader Obama offers authorized the actual save procedure. Simultaneously america knowledgeable the actual Yemen, use of Yemeni Leader Abdullah Mansour Hadi material assistance. Obama released the declaration following the finish from the save procedure, stated info displaying which Summers existence "at stake", therefore "there is actually reputable info along with a strategy, I'll say yes to the actual save.

Nobis Merideth To prevent notify, V-22 from regarding 10 kilometres in the town in the getting, the united states army commandos through floor shifting focus on. However kept hostage far away of around 100 yards associated with homes, the united states army had been discovered equipped males. "They didn't achieve the shock impact, the ALL OF US army recognized stated. Both attributes after that brutal firefight, the united states army to the home ultimately discovered Summers as well as Southern The african continent hostage Pierre Keer Ji entire body several bombs, critically. The united states delivered 2 plane hostages, come back warships.The actual fight survived 5-10 min's. The ALL OF US army recognized stated the actual commandos wiped out 5 "base" equipped staff, absolutely no taken criminals. Yemen Nationwide Protection Company, Ali Ahmadi stated regarding 10 individuals passed away within the shootout, such as a few civilians. The actual Pentagon stated, uncertain regardless of whether civilian casualties.

Nobis Kato America isn't obvious exactly how earlier recognition from the ALL OF US equipped commandos. The ALL OF US army authorities theorize which canines woofing notified the actual militants. In the 2 hostages in the home to look for the area associated with america is actually persuaded they had been performed through equipped males passed away battling rather. ALL OF US atmosphere monitoring discovered crossfire throughout a good equipped staff kept hostage back to the home, a brief remain, after which from the back again doorway. America thinks how the hostage is actually which equipped males had been wiped out. The united states unique causes save procedure about the sixth within Yemen may be the 3rd period the united states army in the centre Eastern with regard to several weeks in order to save United states hostages unsuccessful, the very first aren't permitted to possess related to cleverness.

Nobis Sale Obama in order to deliver unique causes in order to Syria within This summer, the actual save had been extremist equipped "Islamic State" compared to United states hostage kidnapped. However the hostages had been moved ahead of time, the united states army didn't locate them within the save procedure. Upon July nineteenth, the actual "Islamic State" released among the save focus on, United states media reporter Wayne Foley had been beheading movies. A few Syrian resources stated the actual save procedure failing cause might be equipped ahead of time as well as listen to the actual blowing wind as well as relocated the actual hostages. Not clear "base" business particular causes of the actual move from the hostages. Nevertheless, 8 of these rescued, 7 had been really not really a hostage, however the "base" personnel. Yemen Nationwide Protection Agency Ahmadi stated 7 individuals informed Yemeni government bodies they had been detained due to thought agents had been accomplices.

Statistiques: Publié par babycats - Mer, 10 Déc 2014 22:15 - Réponses 0 - Consultations 1

via Torontois December 10, 2014 at 05:15PM

Sorties et Évènements • CIA reports of Parajumpers Sale torture were blocked public

Parajumpers Sale The united states United states senate Cleverness Panel is going to be launched about the ninth or even the actual CIA reviews associated with do-it-yourself torture, the actual CIA much more publicity because "9?11" following information on the actual do-it-yourself torture associated with horror suspects is actually used, the actual company previously this season chose to open up the actual statement within 04, nevertheless, due to just about all hurdles, the actual statement had been shelved. CBS about the seventh cited ALL OF US authorities because stating which, simply because you will find international government authorities as well as ALL OF US cleverness companies forecasted which when the United states senate Cleverness Panel statement launched CIA do-it-yourself torture, might result in "violence as well as death" occasion abroad.

Parajumpers Jackets The content cited the actual chairman from the ALL OF US Home associated with Reps Cleverness Panel, Republican Paul Rogers People stating ALL OF US cleverness companies as well as their own allies within federal government predictions, the actual United states senate Cleverness Panel, CIA reviews associated with do-it-yourself torture as soon as released, may promote the actual terrorists like a pretext with regard to much more physical violence within the abroad release terrorist episodes, leading to casualties. The actual CIA do-it-yourself torture so long as a lot more than 6000-page statement, the actual United states senate Cleverness Panel this particular 7 days programs in order to openly statement overview area, regarding 480. Republican congress within Rogers's look at, "the statement open public is really a poor concept. Simply because Numerous allies as well as household cleverness companies think that open public confirming brings "violence as well as passing away.

Parajumpers Long Bear A good unnamed ALL OF US cleverness recognized stated Our elected representatives have been cautioned inside a statement prone to result in chaotic responses outdoors. Previous CIA Overseer Erina Hayden stated ? additionally indicated this particular issue within an job interview he thought the actual statement is always to make the most of Numerous opponents, in order to motivating individuals to release episodes towards People in america abroad. Hayden additionally cautioned the actual CIA released reviews associated with do-it-yourself torture might weaken america along with other nations co-operation within cleverness as well as counter-terrorism workshop. ALL OF US Assistant associated with Condition Warren known as about the United states senate Cleverness Panel about the fifth to think about the actual timing from the following discharge from the statement. However Federal government authorities stated these people nevertheless assistance the actual statement open public.

Parajumpers Kodiak Ca Democrat Senator, chairman from the United states senate Cleverness Panel, Dianne Feinstein hasn't however taken care of immediately Kerry's phone, however your woman stated within an job interview, "We possess to get the actual book from the statement. A good unnamed ALL OF US congressional assist noticed that because 04 this season, the actual Whitened Home programs to consider the actual guide within discussions in order to decrypt these types of reviews, Obama and also the Nationwide Cleverness Company overseer tend to be in support of book from the statement. Furthermore, the federal government has had steps in order to reinforce protection function it's globally amenities. The content stated how the statement had been the very first open public report from the CIA statement because the 911 terrorist assault, like a solution bottom within the Asia-Europe-Qaida do-it-yourself torture terrorist suspects.

Parajumpers Outlet Browse the statement, ALL OF US authorities stated the actual statement consists of brand new information about the actual CIA do-it-yourself torture associated with criminals, such as rest deprival, waterboarding, held within an surrounded room along with other indicates. ALL OF US Leader Barack Obama offers openly recognized, "We do-it-yourself torture many people. Nevertheless, the actual statement implies that these types of devices associated with do-it-yourself torture didn't provide really useful info. Nevertheless, Rogers nevertheless queries the need associated with book from the statement, stating, "What tend to be the advantages of posting the actual statement? As well as Feinstein within an job interview, noticed that do-it-yourself torture undermines the actual "Americans tend to be happy with the actual interpersonal as well as constitutional values", any kind of appear that experienced documented to not allow this kind of point occur once again.

Statistiques: Publié par babycats - Mer, 10 Déc 2014 22:14 - Réponses 0 - Consultations 1

via Torontois December 10, 2014 at 05:14PM

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Les Petites Annonces • À louer : appartement meublé d'une chambre dès le 1er fév.

Appartement meublé d'une chambre avec parking dans un quartier calme à partir du 1er février 2015 à 2 min de la station de métro Lawrence West

Appartement rénové dans un coin tranquille

Tout meublé avec meubles massifs en teck qui vous fera vous sentir à la maison immédiatement. Posez vos valises, vous êtes chez vous!

Sols rénovés en parquets flottants couleur chêne et nouveau carrelage dans la salle de bain.

3 min à pied de la station de métro Lawrence West, 5 min. à pied d'un supermarché, de Tim Hortons et autres boutiques ainsi qu'à une station de métro du célèbre centre commercial Yordale

- Surface : environ 65 m2

- Résidence avec surveillance vidéo et garde, salle de réception, bibliothèque, parking à vélo sous-terrain.

L'appartement est composé de :

- une chambre séparée avec un lit 140, deux chevets, un secrétaire ainsi qu'une penderie double

- une salle de bain avec baignoire, lavabo et toilette

- une grande salle à manger/salon comprenant un canapé en L, une table de salle à manger et une table de salon assorties en teck, une bibliothèque vitrée, un buffet avec beaucoup de rangement

- une cuisine équipée avec frigo, four, lave-vaisselle, hotte aspirante et beaucoup de rangement pour la vaisselle

- une entrée avec double penderie

- lave-linge/sèche-linge

- un balcon avec vue dégagée, orientation nord

- une place de parking dans le garage souterrain de la résidence


1400 $ par mois toutes charges comprises (eau, chauffage, électricité) et parking compris

(possibilité d'avoir Internet pour $50 de plus par mois)

- doit être non-fumeur

- pas d'animaux de compagnie

- Versement initial du premier et du dernier mois de loyer, plus d'un dépôt de 60 $ pour les clés et laisser-passer

- Bail d'un an


Tel: 647 994-1902

Statistiques: Publié par Jenno9 - Mer, 10 Déc 2014 00:10 - Réponses 0 - Consultations 2

via Torontois December 09, 2014 at 07:10PM

Les Petites Annonces • Colocation - The Annex - Urgent

Bonsoir à tous,

A contrecœur, je quitte ma colocation précipitamment ce lundi 15 décembre. Je suis à la recherche d'un repreneur le plus rapidement possible.

Situé au 3ème étage d'une maison très spacieuse, la maison est idéalement localisée dans le quartier the Annex (Bloor & Bathurst). La chambre en question fait environ 12m² et est équipée d'un grand placard avec penderie. Je laisse mon matelas, bureau et étagère. (possibilité de s'en débarrasser si besoin)

Quelques informations:

- 850$ par mois (auxquels s'ajoutent les utilities)

- Deposit: First and last

- Maison moderne et en bon état, sur 2 étages, à partager avec 3 autres colocataires (2 filles, 1 garçon - 2 Canadiens, 1 Française). Jeunes professionnels & actifs.

- 2 salles de bains avec douche, baignoire, lave-linge et sèche-linge.

- 1 grande cuisine équipée s'ouvrant sur un grand séjour avec cheminée

- Située à moins de 100m du subway Bathurst (subway, bus & street car)

- Banques, commerces, restaurant et bars à proximité

- Vue imprenable sur downtown depuis la terrasse

Merci de me contacter à l'adresse suivante da_kid_mvp [at] en indiquant votre numéro de téléphone. Visites possibles à toute heure de la journée.


Statistiques: Publié par SebReb - Mar, 09 Déc 2014 21:30 - Réponses 0 - Consultations 1

via Torontois December 09, 2014 at 04:30PM

Les Bons Plans et Liens Utiles • Re: Assurance automobile a Toronto


Je suis nouveau sur le forum et pour cause, je vais immigrer à Toronto début janvier 2015 avec ma femme.

Je suis à la recherche d'un bon plan assurance et notamment le contact du broker de titpaul!

Je ne sais pas si j'arriverai a avoir un tarif intéressant vu que mes 4 dernières années, j'étais au Brésil et donc je n'ai pas d'historique récent d'assurance auto en France.

Mais bon, si le broker est bon, peut être qu'il arrivera a faire prendre en compte mon assurance brésilienne qui sait?

Merci d'avance!

Statistiques: Publié par julio75014 - Lun, 07 Avr 2008 13:41 - Réponses 66 - Consultations 17904

via Torontois December 09, 2014 at 04:22PM

Monday, December 8, 2014

Présentations • Re: Bonjour !

J'ai toujours rêvé de découvrir le Canada, en plus Toronto c'est parfait (proche de New York, chutes du niagara, pleins d'activités et de cultures différentes).

Je commence même à penser à m'installer ici dans quelques années ;).

D'accord, ça dépend si je dois travailler ou non, mais si je suis libre Vendredi soir je le dirai :)

Statistiques: Publié par Laura14 - Dim, 07 Déc 2014 12:53 - Réponses 3 - Consultations 250

via Torontois December 08, 2014 at 12:57PM

Présentations • Re: Bonjour !

Hello Laura,

Dis moi si tu passes vendredi soir. Moi j'irais bien si y a du monde, je serais avec mon frère.

Bonne semaine à tous,


Statistiques: Publié par nicolasgallet - Dim, 07 Déc 2014 12:53 - Réponses 2 - Consultations 157

via Torontois December 08, 2014 at 05:57AM

Présentations • Re: Bonjour !

Salut Laura, bienvenue parmi nous :)

Et qu'est-ce qui t'a amené à Toronto pour ce séjour ? La ville te plaît jusqu'ici ?

Pour ce qui est de rencontrer du monde: nous avons un rdv hebdomadaire au Urban House Café tous les vendredi soirs, alors n'hésite pas à manifester ton intention de passer (sur Facebook et sur cette discussion du forum) afin d'être sûre de trouver des gens.


Statistiques: Publié par Tonio - Dim, 07 Déc 2014 12:53 - Réponses 1 - Consultations 59

via Torontois December 07, 2014 at 10:13PM

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sorties et Évènements • Re: Le rendez-vous hebdomadaire des Torontois, c'est ici!

Désolé Nicolas si tu parlais pour vendredi dernier.

Vendredi prochain, je vais voir Timber Timbre en concert, donc pas dispo non plus.

En espérant que tu trouves quelqu'un !


Statistiques: Publié par BonnieAndClyde - Mar, 01 Jan 2008 13:42 - Réponses 682 - Consultations 91196

via Torontois December 07, 2014 at 10:28AM

Présentations • Bonjour !

Hey, bonjour à tous !

Je suis nouvelle dans le groupe et je me suis inscrite pour rencontrer du monde et découvrir de nouveaux endroits à Toronto ;). Donc je m'appelle Laura, j'ai 20 ans et habite en Normandie, je suis arrivée à Toronto début Septembre 2014. Maintenant il me reste 3 mois avant mon retour en France.

J'espère faire connaissance avec vous, très bientôt :).

Passez une bonne journée.

Statistiques: Publié par Laura14 - Dim, 07 Déc 2014 12:53 - Réponses 0 - Consultations 4

via Torontois December 07, 2014 at 07:53AM

Saturday, December 6, 2014

English Speaking Board • Re: What does it mean to have a functionnal english?

Is it very important if I talk in english with lot of gramatical mistakes ?

Statistiques: Publié par sarahjoe - Mer, 20 Aoû 2008 21:39 - Réponses 12 - Consultations 3553

via Torontois December 06, 2014 at 12:44AM